Our Solutions

As we navigate modern life's rapid pace and our ever-shifting roles within it, major life transitions amplify the mental chaos.

Despite our advancements, technology hasn't yet offered a comprehensive assistant to streamline and simplify these tumultuous times.

We are committed to guide you through life's intricate tapestry of transitions, challenges, and growth opportunities with our content, tools, workshops, coaching and employee wellbeing program.

We understand that navigating new realities can be overwhelming, and that's why we're here to provide you with a holistic approach to personal well-being and authentic connections. Our foundation is built upon the belief that true growth begins by nurturing relationships—with others, with yourself and with time. We are dedicated to offering you a wide spectrum of resources, solutions, services and insights that will support you in every step of your journey.

Our Essence

Our Values

  • We prioritize intentional actions and decisions, fostering self-awareness and empathy in all interactions.

  • We encourage individuals to embrace their true selves, nurturing genuine connections with others.

  • We promote understanding and empathy, fostering a culture of kindness and support.

  • We believe in continuous personal growth, providing resources for self-improvement and development.

  • We strive to create harmonious relationships and a balanced, sustainable world.

  • We believe in empowering individuals to take control of their own lives, guiding them to make informed choices and fostering their personal growth and development

Meet the Team

Our story 

At the core of Cedulify's creation is an experienced occupational therapist whose personal journey through various roles and life transitions has profoundly shaped her perspective on life itself. Drawing on this rich experience, she has assembled a diverse team with different backgrounds, all united by a common mission: to alleviate the mental load that accompanies new roles and life transitions, in order to improve life satisfaction and foster an overall sense of harmony.

In a world often influenced by misconceptions about work-life balance, we boldly challenge the notion of separating professional and personal lives into separate compartments. Instead, we advocate a holistic approach, recognizing that every experience and every facet of life contributes to our fulfillment. Why divide work and personal life into two distinct domains when we can see them as inseparable elements of life?

Our journey has led us to create a path that recognizes the multi-faceted nature of our lives. We have developed tools and resources, guided by the conviction that each new role and life transition need not be a burden. On the contrary, they can be approached with clarity and determination. Our approach offers a holistic framework for navigating life, reducing the mental burden that often accompanies change, and welcoming the ever-evolving journey.

And there's more! We also have a fantastic library of content covering a whole range of topics related to well-being and mental health during transitions. We know that when things are changing, it's so important to look after your mental well-being. That's why our library is here to support you through these transitions! We've also built a vibrant community of groups where members can connect, share experiences, and provide mutual support as they navigate life's changes. This community is a rock-solid support network, helping individuals reduce the mental burden that often accompanies change. We offer support for individuals or groups via workshops and coaching. For our corporate division, we've put together a comprehensive employee wellbeing program including workshops, conferences, group support, and coaching to support organizations.

As Cedulify continues to evolve, our commitment remains unwavering - to empower individuals to harmonize their lives, to thrive through transitions, and to find solace in the recognition that every aspect of life, from career to personal passions, contributes to the intricate weave of our unique stories. Together, we reshape the narrative, forging a more fulfilling future by sharing the wheel of life, rather than dividing it.