Be well At work

Small businesses can support their employees' well-being

By creating more equitable environments for discussing daily well-being as a team.

People who feel genuinely supported by their manager are 70% less likely to experience burnout.

“96% of CEOs believe they are doing enough for

employee mental health”

— Forbes

“ Employees have a slightly different view:

Only 69% of employees feel the same…”


57% of Small Business Employees Concerned for Their Mental Health

“At the owner and decision-maker level: 77% of respondents said their company cares about the mental health of workers.”

“Only 64% of surveyed workers felt that way.”

“More starkly, only 53% of workers who are people of color feel the small businesses where they work care about their mental health.”

— Cigna + Oscar

“At the owner and decision-maker level: 64% of respondents said they feel comfortable discussing their mental health with coworkers.”

“Only 56% of surveyed workers felt that way.”

“ Only 44% percent of workers who are people of color said they would discuss these issues with a manager”

— Cigna + Oscar


Research showed organization depend upon people; one element to support the worker above the regular to-do is their ROUTINE.

def.// the collection of activities or behaviors that led to arriving, focusing, calming , and getting into the mindset for the workday

Cedulify Approach fills the gap in preventative health

Between the challenges: occupational imbalance, psychological, emotional, physical pain, and long-term sick leave


Existing solutions : awareness campaigns, employee assistance programs, self-help tools and in-person therapy or tele-medicine

* We are currently offering coaching services, workshops along with our free mobile app

Achieving a balance is not about giving equal time to each of indicators in your life.

Instead, it is having the ability to allocate enough time, effort, and thought to each of them so that you are satisfied.

We’ve spent the last 18 months to study the old work-life balance equation gaps and have built our user centered solution to fill them.

The Well-Work Balance after Covid

The well-being challenges after Covid demonstrates that the life-work balance revolution is well underway.

Company cultures will need to transform to embrace reversing the equation as it becomes the norm or they will see their performance goals shattered.

We are looking for partners to promote Well-Work balance together

Interested in doing business with us? Contact us!