Free resources for movement
Activating your body is aligned with basic human needs. It contributes to your physical health and prevents chronic diseases.
Cedulify’s Recommended
5 minutes Desk Stretch
Are you sitting for most of your day? If you’d like some ideas on how to include stretching in your day, watch this video!
Quick Action Tips
Change your habits
It is so hard to find time for healthy habits as people have become so busy in the past few years. We invite you to watch this one-minute video on how to increase your activity level.
5 min desk stretch
Are you sitting for most of your day? If you'd like some ideas on how to include stretching in your day, here's a 5 minutes video of seated stretching exercises. So you can do them while you're at the office, sitting at the kitchen table, or even when you are watching television.
Befriending Fitness
Try a week of workouts
Starting a fitness journey is rewarding. Whether it's learning a new skill, being able to do something you've never been able to do, or feeling better in general, these are all experiences that can improve your mood and self-esteem. For inspiration, we invite you to watch this series of videos featuring a week of training.
Reduce body pain
Sometimes we overwork our bodies. This can lead to uncomfortable side effects such as muscle tension, stiffness, etc. We may also have a past injury or tension that limits our ability to be active. Increased mobility is often the solution to overcome the sensation of pain. We invite you to watch this 3 minutes video to learn more about it.
Posture is a key factor as it is the basis of all your body's movement. In this 4 minutes video, we explain the benefits of good posture and how it relates to stress (mechanical and emotional).
7 min warm-up
Try this 7-minute full-body warm-up. Go at your own pace, respect your limit and keep moving. You can try it at any time and in any setting. It’s also a good idea to have a buddy to move with you and keep you more accountable!
24 hour movement guide
It can be difficult to know how much time to spend working out each day to feel healthy and active. Including light and moderate aerobic activity and strengthening activities while avoiding long periods of sitting are some examples. Read about it right here.
Canada's advice
The page is dedicated to physical education. Here are some ideas: take a walk once a day, take the stairs instead of the elevator, spend less time in front of the TV or computer and play actively with your children. We invite you to learn more about it here.
Moving with family
As a parent, it may be important for you to be able to do fun and healthy activities with your children. Maybe your goal is to run with them, dance with them or learn a new activity with them. Either way, we invite you to read this article as you'll find ways to start moving and having fun with the whole family.
Finding calm
Movement does not always have to be intense and challenging. It can also be smooth, slow and calm. Progressive muscle relaxation is an exercise that aims to calm the body and mind. We invite you to try this exercise.
Free Yoga classes!
Signing up for a gym membership might be difficult. Difficulties can be related to commuting, financial security, time, or not being comfortable with the idea. That's okay, virtual fitness classes are a solution and we invite you to try this free trial class.
Shake it all
It is essential to stay engaged and to feel the need to move! For this reason, it may be a good idea to try different styles of exercise. The variety of activities also helps to provide mobility and strength to different parts of your body. We invite you to try different sets of free workouts right here.
5 min break desk yoga
We invite you to watch this 5 minutes video for a yoga break at your desk. Go at your own pace and remember to respect your body.
4 min Workout
We invite you to use this article as an idea for a quick movement break. They offer both a video and a description for you to read.
Movement guide for kids
Different age groups require different levels of activity. Children need to stay active in order to promote healthy growth and a happy lifestyle. To learn more about the movement needs of children, we invite you to read this article right here.
Back care exercise
We often feel stressed and strained in our bodies. In this short 5 minutes video, you will understand some exercises that are good for postural stability and back pain prevention. It's a combination of education and exercise which can give new ideas and help you correct your posture.
Kick Start Your Fitness Journey
Workout for beginners
Maybe you want to workout at home instead of going to the gym, and maybe virtual training seems easier to fit into your schedule. To keep you moving, we invite you to try this fun 30 minutes workout for beginners.
Moving for digestion
Did you know that digestion can be improved through movement? Certain yoga postures have the ability to improve digestion - isn’t it amazing how movement can help with your health? To learn more about this, we invite you to read this article.
Balance in fitness
It is important to have a balance between the different types of exercises you do when moving your body. Learn about the different components of exercise and how to do them by reading this short article.
Guide to physical activity
The Center for Disease Control has created a web page dedicated to physical activity. This comprehensive resource can be used anytime you want to research something related to physical activity. We invite you to read about it here.
Starting fitness journey
Getting started can seem tricky, especially if you've been inactive for a while. However, it is important, helpful and fun to incorporate movement into your daily routine. To get you started on the fitness journey, we encourage you to read this article.
Establishing goals
If you have a certain fitness level you would like to achieve, planning and setting goals is an important part of the process. We invite you to read this article to help you start this process.