Frequently Asked Questions

How can i add exciting activities into my everyday schedule? what new and fun activities can i try?

We appreciate your motivation to spice things up! There are plenty of exciting activities you can try to add some fun to your daily life. To learn more about all the awesome activities you could be doing, we invite you to click on the link below to explore our resources under the “fun”, “social” and “movement” sections of our library.

Library — CEDULIFY

I am in need of free professional services related to my physical and / or mental health. how can i access these services?

We are proud of you for expressing your needs and advocating for your health. We realize it can be difficult to find the community services you may be seeking. For this reason, we suggest dialing 2-1-1, the Canada-wide number to seek our community health (and other) resources near you. To learn more about 2-1-1 Canada, we urge you to click on the following link.

Website : Help Starts Here -

If you do not feel comfortable calling to ask for services, we completely understand. As an alternative, you can explore the “resources around me” function on the Kids Help Phone website. Simply type in your location and the service you are looking for and results will appear. This function is available for children, teens and adults alike and includes services for every age group. These resources are geared more toward mental health. Click on the link below to explore the resource.

Website : Resources Around Me - Kids Help Phone

how can i embody resilience during hardships, how can i find joy despite facing adversity?

Resilience is a skill that can be practiced and developed. Resilience is a protective trait that helps individuals navigate difficult or even potentially traumatic situations in a calm and composed way. Everyone experiences hardships, and everyone deserves to understand how to foster resilience during these times. To support you through this, we encourage you to visit the following resources to gain a better understanding of resilience, what it is, and how to develop it in the face of adversity.

Read : Resilience: Meaning, Types, Causes, and How to Develop It (

Watch : Three invaluable tools to boost your resilience | BBC Ideas - YouTube

How can I connect with, create, maintain and mend healthy relationships?

It is an integral part of the human experience to form healthy, meaningful relationships with others. This said, it is not always easy to know what consists of a healthy relationship or how to form and to maintain them. Many of us struggle with bonding with others. To learn more about what it means to foster healthy relationships, we encourage you to click the first link below to learn more. To improve your ability to connect with others, we urge you to view this powerful twelve-minute TED talk about the importance of human connection, and how to foster this connection during difficult circumstances.

Read : Defining healthy relationships |

Watch : (590) Connect or Die: The Surprising Power of Human Relationships | Starla Fitch | TEDxFargo - YouTube

I would like to improve my physical health. What can I do to take better care of my body?

We commend you for reaching out and for willing to learn and grow. As general tips, we suggest finding any spare time you can to move your body, to consume healthy portions of nutritious foods and to explore fun and engaging new physical activities. Cedulify offers many resources to assist you in your journey of becoming a healthier you. To view our resources, we encourage you to visit the library section of our website and to click on the “movement” and “self-care” tabs to find out more.

Website : Library — CEDULIFY

What is time management? How can I improve my time and energy management skills in order to be able to accomplish all my household duties?

Many people struggle with time management, and you are not alone. We lead incredibly busy lives and time can get away from us. To help with this, Cedulify has created a section on our website entitled “home” in our library section that can help you develop strategies on how to better manage your responsibilities. To learn more, please consider visiting the web page below.

Website : Home responsibilities — CEDULIFY

What can i do with my day to be satisfied by the end of it?

It is important to engage in purposeful activities during your daily routine that bring you a sense of pleasure, accomplishment and contentment. To find a balance between these three aspects of satisfaction, we invite you to take a look at our webpage and to explore our library section to learn more about our philosophy to healthy and harmonious living.

Website : Library — CEDULIFY

To find out more about how we view life satisfaction and how to develop this, please consider viewing some videos from the Do Live Well Framework channel on Youtube. The link is attached below.

Watch : (590) Do Live Well Framework - YouTube

How can I restore my energy levels?

It’s important to promote healthy living in your daily routine in order to produce enough energy to fulfill your responsibilities and to have fun doing healthy, meaningful and inspiring activities. To do this, it is important to maintain physical health, to engage in positive mental health practices on a daily basis and to stay in tune with your needs. It is also crucial to consult with a medical professional if you feel you are managing a consistently low level of energy or mood as this may be a symptom of physical or mental illness. To find out more on when to start focusing on your energy levels and how to improve your energy levels, we invite you to take a look at this inspiring TED talk.

(590) How To Have More Energy | Sean Hall | TEDxUNSW - YouTube

What can I do to foster a consistently better sleep?

We all yearn for a restful night’s sleep. However, so many people struggle with sleeping a good quality sleep. Some individuals have a hard time sleeping due to trauma, sometimes people can simply not sleep because their mind will not let them rest, or sometimes physical discomfort causes sleep problems. This can cause many difficult and sometimes dangerous side effects during your everyday life. This said, it is important to learn how to promote sleep. Please click on this informational TED talk to view how you could improve your sleep habits. Please consult a medical professional if you feel you may be experiencing medical problems that could be interfering with your sleep.

Watch : (590) How A Sleep Recipe Changed My Life | Tara Youngblood | TEDxCaryWomen - YouTube

What is the key to achieving and maintaining excellent workplace productivity?

There is no one key to achieving and maintaining excellent workplace productivity. There are many ways to achieve this. To learn more, we invite you to explore the “work” section of Cedulify’s library. Visit it here.

Website : Work responsibilities — CEDULIFY

How were the “eight dimensions of experience” of the harmony wheel established?

Cedulify has created the eight dimensions of our wheel of harmony by utilizing the “Do Live Well” framework. This framework was created by Canadian occupational therapists and informed by scientific evidence. It has developed a vision of health based on the premise that everything we choose to do with ourselves and how we spend our time influences our well-being. In addition, the creators of this framework have discovered key dimensions of experience that favor a state of overall health. Cedulify has based our wheel of harmony on the above-mentioned pillars of experience.

To learn more about the Do Live Well Framework, and to explore many interesting mental health resources, we encourage you to visit the following website : Do-live-well framework-Website.

How does Cedulify create a wheel of harmony specific to each user?

Currently, Cedulify collects data from Statistics Canada to estimate the appropriate amount of time users of different ages and occupation may like to consider dedicating to each dimension of experience. In addition, Cedulify utilizes certain Canadian federal and provincial guidelines to determine the amount of time a user should dedicate to certain activities. For instance, Canada has established a 24-hour movement guide that outlines how much time a person from each age category should spend moving their body to remain in good health. In short, this is how Cedulify customizes our harmony wheel to fit your needs, based on Canadian scientific research and statistics. This is only use as reference as sometimes we need guidance when we start our wellness journey.

To visit the 24-hour movement guide, click here : Guide