
Nice to e-meet you! I am the CEO & Founder at Cedulify. I also call myself the “Guardian of Time” at home #momofboyz. I am the lucky mother of 3 little boys and it is mainly during the past 6 years, raising them, that I have realized the need to be living an authentic and meaningful life in order to be the compassionate person I want to be.

Through my professional experience as an Occupational Therapist, I have assisted a great many people of different ages, backgrounds and communities to develop strategies and skills to manage their daily lives towards greater well-being. There are as many strategies as there are people to foster healthy habits — mindfulness, connections, curiosity, awareness, self-compassion, and learning are all elements that help us grow our potential and sense of worthiness.

Cedulify is my way of making therapeutic knowledge accessible to as many people as possible. Especially in times of life transition (change in career, job loss, becoming aparent, losing someone, choosing a new country to live in), everyone needs support in some way and a reminder of their daily accomplishments.

I am thankful to have grown up in a large family with parents who were both entrepreneurs and health professionals, who always emphasized a connection to nature and family alongside our anchoring values of health and love. I like to explore new places, meet new people, and dance at any opportunity I am given! My communication style is definitely body langage, our body has so much wisdom. I believe well-being is the process of living out a collection of positive, healthy and mindful experiences.